Collage of the main fields of FinkA

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Forschungsstelle für interkulturelle und komplexe Arbeitswelten / Research Group Intercultural and Complex Working Worlds
Collage of the main fields of FinkA
Image: Stefan Strohschneider

The world of intercultural cooperation is changing. Brief, project-oriented interactions, often sustained by virtual means of communication are becoming more and more frequent. The same is true for multinational and international teamwork, often involving members without extended academic background and limited language skills, having to jointly tackle highly complex problems. It is also increasingly recognized that the term “intercultural” not only refers to national cultures but also to professional, organizational and other dimensions of cultural difference.

The Research Group Intercultural and Complex Working Worlds (dt.: Forschungsstelle für interkulturelle und komplexe Arbeitswelten, FinkA) aims at an in-depth understanding of such forms of cooperation. Drawing from theories and methods from the fields of anthropology and culture theory, human factors, cognition, motivation, social psychology and others, FinkA analyses complex and intercultural working worlds and develops tools and principles that help teams to become more efficient.

FinkA is a subdivision of the Institute for Intercultural Studies at the Friedrich Schiller University of Jena and is headed by Dr. Stefan Strohschneider, Professor for Intercultural Communication.

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Image: FinkA, Stefan Strohschneider