Indian Red Cross Employees at work


Indian Red Cross Employees at work
Image: Stefan Strohschneider

According to the latest figures, more than 30,000 physicians from foreign countries are working in the German medical system, mainly in hospitals. Frequent problems are often attributed to language problems. FinkA aims at an understanding of medical teams as intercultural teams.

In the medical field, FinkA has so far conducted several student’s projects in close collaboration with the Evangelisches Kreiskrankenhaus Hattingen which resulted in a structured program (including handbooks and a mentoring system) for the integration of foreign surgeons in a surgery team. This work is being continued.

Reports, Projects and Publications:

  • Ehrenbrand, I., Hiltmann, L., Mews, A.-L., Muckenfuß, A.  & Schmidt B. (2013): Intercultural team development in surgery: Integration of foreign assistant physicians in the hospital in Hattingen (in German: Interkulturelle Teamentwicklung in der Chirurgie: Integration ausländischer Assistenzärzte im Evangelischen Krankenhaus Hattingen. Unpublished P5-Project Report, Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena.
  • Hofmann, S. & Waurich J. (2012): Foreign physicians in German medical teams (in German: Ausländische Ärzte im deutschen Ärzte­team). Unpublished P5-Project Report, Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena.