2020 – 2023

Situational awareness on psychosocial aspects of crisis management

Funded by: Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance (Bundesamt für Bevölkerungsschutz und Katastrophenhilfe)

Funding Period: February 2020 – January 2023


Dr. Mareike Mähler (project leader)

Dr. Gesine Hofinger

Dr. Laura Künzer

Dr. Cleo Becker

Project Description

The aim of the project „Situational awareness on psychosocial aspects of crisis management“ (dt.: "Das Lagebild Bevölkerungsverhalten in der Stabsarbeit", LaBS) is the systematic integration of psychosocial aspects into crisis management. Existing knowledge about needs, behavior and resilience potentials of different population groups will be integrated into situation pictures.

It will be investigated which sources of information can be used for a psychosocial situation picture. National and international research and practical reports on psychosocial aspects of crisis management will be involved. The networking of crisis teams, psychological emergency care agencies and emergency services will be supported.

It will be investigated whether and how exercises for emergency teams are suitable to promote the creation of psychosocial situational pictures. Innovative project results are recommendations for guidelines for crisis teams to implement psychosocial aspects in situational pictures. Concepts for integrating psychosocial aspects in training and exercises of emergency teams will be established.


Dr. Mareike Mähler 

Friedrich Schiller University Jena 

Forschungsstelle interkulturelle und komplexe Arbeitswelten 

Ernst-Abbe-Platz 8

07743 Jena

Additional information

Project Information LaBSExternal link